How to Design Your Wedding Invitations

Your wedding is a time when reunions happen.  In today’s busy world, we hardly get time to visit our relatives or extended family, much less our long-lost friends.  Thus, a wedding is the ideal occasion to actually meet and enjoy the company of loved ones that we haven’t seen in awhile. For this reason, your […]

Guiding Your Daughter through Wedding Invitation Etiquette

With most modern brides opting to play an active role in their wedding planning activities, up to and including actually managing all of the wedding details themselves, the role of the mother of the bride is getting hazier. However, there are certain things that even the brightest of brides cannot navigate by herself, and clearly one […]

A Guide to Wedding Stationary

While it may not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think about getting married, the wedding stationary you eventually pick will play a big role in setting the style and tone of your wedding. Since your wedding stationary will provide your guests the first formal introduction to your wedding theme and […]

Wedding Invitations on a Budget

When I got married many moons ago, one of my least favorite things to handle was sending out the wedding invitations.  And I know that I am not the only woman out there with such a disdain for this, as years later when I was mother of the bride my daughters expressed similar angst.  In […]