Your Perfect Wedding Bouquet

If you’re getting married soon, or if you are the mother of the bride or groom or even the grandmother, there is much to consider.  You may have never given it much of a thought, but the bridal bouquet will soon begin impinging itself on your mind as you start to delve deeper into your […]

Choosing the Best Wedding Floral Arrangement

The flower arrangement is one of the biggest components of the theme and décor of a wedding. Not only does the floral arrangement contribute perfume and aesthetic appeal, it is also easily one of the most memorable aspects of any wedding. This is an important reason why you cannot take florist decisions lightly and why you will […]

How to Select Great Wedding Favors

Whether you’re the bride, mother of the bride or even the grandmother of the bride or groom, there are many things to consider when planning a wedding.  One such consideration is the selection of the wedding favors, which represent a thank you from the bride and groom to all the guests.  Although this may seem […]