How to Look After Older Guests on Your Wedding Day

Older Guests on Your Wedding Day

Every year there are 2.4 million weddings in the United States. Witnessing the union of two people is one of the most special moments in life, and most brides and grooms want their families there on the wedding day to do so. 

There are many intricacies involved when gathering a family for a wedding. One of these is the accommodation of older guests, as this is especially important but often overlooked.

If you’re curious about what you can do for your older guests, read our tips below. 

Preparing Before the Wedding Day

Since weddings take months of planning, it allows you time to plan every little detail. When you have older guests at your wedding, you need to take into consideration any special mobility issues, health issues, and hearing issues that may need to be addressed.

If you’re close to your senior guests, you can call them and ask what exactly they may need to feel comfortable. Knowing what they need beforehand can help your preparations go much more smoothly. 

You can also make a plan to help get them to the wedding. If they live in nursing homes or long term skilled care homes, you can make a point to get them a driver or transportation service to make the day easier on them. 

During the Ceremony

The ceremony is what everyone comes for, but the seating arrangements need to accommodate your older guests. 

If they need wheelchair access or need to sit closer to hear or see, you can plan for that.

Giving them an aisle seat may make it easier for them when the ceremony is over, and it will prevent them from needing to move too much around other people in order to get to their seats. 

Evaluate the After-Party

An after-party is not just for the young, but also for the young at heart. If your senior wedding guests want to stay for the party, make sure they are well looked after.

Tell your wedding planner to make sure someone is interacting with your older guests, introducing them to new people, and making sure they are having a good time. Simply leaving them at a table alone is not the way to go.

If your older guests would rather leave than attend the party, as bright lights and loud noise may irritate them, make sure there is a transportation service ready to take them home. 

Accommodate All of Your Guests 

There are so many aspects of planning a wedding, but making sure your older guests are pleased on your wedding day should be at the top of your list. 

It isn’t difficult to make a few accommodations to ensure everyone is comfortable and having a good time. You’ll be glad you did, especially when you look back on your wedding day for years to come.

For more wedding tips and tricks, check out the rest of our blog today!