Bridal Beauty: 7 Must-Buy Makeup Products for the Bride-to-Be

Makeup Session of a Bride-to-Be

Each year, an average of 2.4 million weddings happen across America. This is an amazing number in and of itself, but it’s even more astounding when you consider that the money spent annually on weddings adds up to about $60 billion!

If you’re one of the brides that’s looking forward to her wedding soon, congratulations. There’s nothing more exciting than spending a lifetime with the person you love. Still, getting through the wedding is the first step, and to do this properly, you’ll need to feel at your best.

Read on to learn some of the greatest bridal beauty tips and essential makeup items that you’ll need for your wedding day.

1. Makeup Primer

The first makeup item you’ll need is a primer. Primer is a product that puts an extra layer between your face and the other makeup products that you’ll be using, which ensures that the makeup lasts throughout your wedding. It also is amazing in the long-term because it stops makeup from drying out your skin every time you use it.

You can get primer as cream from many makeup companies, but other brands like ELF sell primer spray, too. If you want a longer-lasting product, a cream is likely the right way to go. However, if you’re on a budget from exorbitant wedding spending, a spray should work fine for the duration of the ceremony.

2. Foundation

After putting a solid layer of primer down, you’ll need a good foundation for your makeup. The purpose of this is to even out your skin tone and mask any blemishes and imperfections. Using a quality foundation is the first step to ensuring that you look your best for the big day.

You’ll need to do a few things before you apply it. Make sure that your face has been moisturized appropriately so that your foundation doesn’t dry out your skin. That moisturizer will also need to dry before the foundation is applied.

3. Setting Powder

Another important step to applying foundation is to set it. To do this, you’ll need something called a setting powder. This is a powder that can be applied to your foundation-clad face to ensure that it lasts for your entire wedding without rubbing off.

Once foundation and concealer are applied, swipe some clear setting powder lightly on your face. This will set the makeup in and ensure that you look flawless while up at the altar.

4. Bronzer

Bronzer generally comes in cream form and is applied to the cheekbones. It’s intended to bring out this part of your face. It darkens areas of your skin without fully masking it, which adds a soft glow to your face.

Generally, this makeup is used to make you look warmer on your wedding day. Bronzer is essential to any wedding makeup, so don’t wait!

5. Eye Makeup

There are a couple of different aspects to eye makeup that you need to consider.

The first is, of course, eyeshadow. Different colors of eyeshadow are required for different colored eyes, so make sure you do your research. Brown-eyed babes likely need to use a lavender or aubergine eyeshadow to draw out their color. Blue-eyed beauties and green-eyed gals should go with cool tones like blue and green to bring out their natural color.

After eyeshadow is applied, you’ll need to put on eyeliner and mascara. Make sure that you choose a color that matches your eyeshadow, be that brown or black. You’ll also want to wing your eyeliner if that brings out your eye shape.

When it comes to mascara, get something that will accentuate your lashes appropriately! Experiment with different size wands before the wedding for the best results.

6. Lipstick

As pretty much any girl knows, lipstick is an essential makeup item. After all, you want your gorgeous lips to pop!

If you have darker skin, a pale lipstick may provide the right level of contrast for you. Women with light skin, on the other hand, probably want to go with deep burgundy or ruby red lipstick.

Make sure that when applying lipstick you accentuate the natural shape of your lips. The bow of your upper lip looks best when it’s prominent and is sure to make your groom or bride want to pull you into a close kiss. Some women see better results when it comes to shaping with a liquid lipstick, so try different brands that come in varying forms.

7. Gorgeous Jewelry

While it isn’t makeup in and of itself, we need to mention that you must choose jewelry that accentuates the eyeshadow and lipstick colors that you choose. This means that a bride wearing lipstick that’s candy red will want to wear brightly polished rubies and garnets. Subtle necklaces and earrings are the perfect way to add this pop of color to your outfit.

If you’re wearing blue eyeshadow for your green or blue eyes, you may want to look into getting emeralds sewn onto your dress sleeves. There are a lot of ways that you can play with color during your wedding, so have fun with it!

Get Bridal Beauty Products Today!

There are a lot of things that you’ll need to prepare for your wedding, but ensuring you’ll look and feel great is one of the most important.

Now that you know some of the best bridal beauty tips going into your wedding, it’s time to get shopping for makeup. Before you do that, though, check out the rest of our website.

The ‘mother of the bride’ tab will give you some great ideas for what your mom should wear so that you can have a great mother-daughter day picking up makeup.

Congratulations again!