8 Tips to Picking the Most Breathtaking Wedding Hairstyle: A Guide

Did you know that on average, human hair grows about half an inch per month? A helpful fact for planning your wedding hairstyle!

But how fast your hair grows is only one of the many factors you should be thinking about when planning for the big day. That’s right, there’s more to think about!

Where to start? Well, with this ultimate guide you’ll be able to figure out exactly what you need to consider so that you can pick the best wedding hairstyle idea and leave your guests and groom in awe.

What to Think About When Choosing Your Wedding Hairstyle

Here are the eight things you should think about when choosing the wedding style that will best suit you.

1. Season

Your hairstyle joins fashion and function on your big day. That’s why you should take the season of your wedding into account when picking a hairstyle.

If you’re getting married in summer, a nice up-do will compliment the season’s aesthetic in the same way that warm curls will match the sense of autumn. You can also think about the color that your hair is and if you want to change it in order to better match the time of year.

2. Space

The space in which you are getting married will also affect the way that your hair looks. If you’re getting married on a breezy day, you might opt for long curls that will blow in the wind, or just the opposite – a simple up-do so that nothing gets tossed about like crazy.

You can also match your hair to the vibe of your venue, like a fashionable half-up half-down for a traditional church, or loose waves for a beachside wedding. Each space has its own special touch, and so should your hair.

3. Dress

Your dress is often the staple of your wedding outfit, so you want to make sure that your hair is complimenting it well.

When choosing a hairstyle, think about whether or not it’s distracting from your dress, or if your hair calls attention to the wrong places. For example, wearing a wedding dress with a high neckline and your hair down will hide the intricacies of your neckline, so wear your hair up instead!

4. Accessories

When it comes to your big day, accessories can make or break your wedding outfit, so the ones that you can integrate into your hairstyle should be carefully chosen. You have a lot of options to consider even in this category alone.

How will your hair compliment your necklace or the neckline of your dress like we mentioned earlier? Do you need a hairstyle that accommodates for a veil?

Other accessories include things like tiaras, flower crowns, stray greenery, or statement hair clips with pearls or jewels. Not to mention these things come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, so when it’s time to accessorize you should also think about the color scheme that these pieces will give off with your hair, dress, bouquet, and wedding colors.

5. Movement

It’s a known fact that at your wedding, you will be dancing in some way or another. Having a hairstyle that holds and still looks good after hours on the dance floor will make for some awesome pictures and less stress on your back.

The main element here is figuring out how your hair will hold through what kind of dancing you’ll be doing. If you’re formally waltzing with your new spouse and slow dancing with your parent, it’s hard to mess hair up too much.

But if you’re getting down on the dance floor (and either option is great!), you might want to opt for a sturdier up-do or a down hairstyle.

6. Maintenance

Maintenance is a big word but basically means the way that you are taking care of your hair until your wedding. If you are thinking of making any changes to your hair, when will they happen and what will they be?

Do you want to keep your hair natural, color it, or perhaps add some virgin hair extensions for a fuller look or longer length? Understanding the work that you are willing to put into your hair will help you determine what kind of wedding hairstyle you’ll want to go with for your big day.

7. Assistance

Assistance is also a big part of choosing the best wedding hairstyle. If you’re thinking of doing your hair yourself, you might want to go with a less complicated look unless you’re skilled with your hair.

If you’re hoping to have a stylist do your hair, then you can explore options that you know your stylist will be able to manage. There’s no wrong choice here, of course, only what you feel is best for you.

You can even make plans to see if one of your bridesmaids wants to do your hair for your wedding! (Bonus tip: Thinking about what hair your bridesmaids are wearing will also help – make sure to switch it up so that you can stand out)

8. Personality

Finally, your hair should be echoing who you are. Your wedding is for you, after all, so you should be able to pick a wedding hairstyle that matches your personality!

Personalizing your wedding is what makes it unique, and while hairstyle ideas are great at giving you a jumping off point for brainstorming, ultimately you get full reign over what your hair is going to look like.

As long as you care about it and love the way that it looks, there’s no way you can go wrong with whatever hairstyle you choose.

Here Comes the Bride!

Now you know the top eight things you should be thinking about when picking the best wedding hairstyle. If you make sure to take all of these things into account, you’ll be off to a great start in finding the hairstyle that works best for you, your family, and your bridal party.

So go grab your vision board, and start searching for that ideal hairstyle!

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